The Molecular & Environmental Toxicology Program is proud to welcome four new students to its cohort in Fall.
Katherine Burgener (BS, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Tech). Kate, a Madison-area resident, is a PhD candidate. She did a study-abroad Summer Program in France, which focused on BME.
Chamia Chatman (BS, Animal Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Following five years in an industry setting, Chamia returns to academia. She will be starting the PhD track as a SciMed-GRS fellow.
Noah Carrillo (BS, Genetics & Genomics, UW-Madison). Noah will start the MET Program in the MS (Research) Track. He will join us following two years’ participation in the MET-SROP.
Menna Teffera (BS, Public Health, University of Massachusetts-Amherst). Menna will start the MET Program in the PhD Track. Her background includes research experiences in industry and academia and has received travel funds to SOT.