

This listing of MET Trainers are those that have active labs and have had a graduate student or postdoctoral trainee in the past ten years. If you do not see a particular faculty member that you had heard about, it is possible that s/he is a member of our Emeritus or Legacy Faculty listings.


Nihal Ahmad

Position title: Professor of Dermatology

Email: nahmad@dermatology.wisc.edu

Richard Anderson

Position title: Professor, Basic Research/Dean's Office

Email: raanders@wisc.edu

Lisa Arendt

Position title: Associate Professor of Comparative Biosciences

Email: lmarendt@wisc.edu

Randolph Ashton

Position title: Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Email: rashton2@wisc.edu

Anjon Audhya

Position title: Professor of Biomolecular Chemistry/Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies

Email: audhya@wisc.edu

Heather Barkholtz

Position title: Associate Professor of Forensic Toxicology

Email: hbarkholtz@wisc.edu

Bryan Bednarz

Position title: Professor of Medical Physics

Email: bbednarz2@wisc.edu

David Beebe

Position title: John D. MacArthur Professor & Claude Bernard Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Email: djbeebe@wisc.edu

Alexander Birbrair

Position title: Assistant Professor of Dermatology

Email: abirbrair@dermatology.wisc.edu

Christopher Bradfield

Position title: Professor of Oncology, Director of Biotechnology Center

Email: bradfield@oncology.wisc.edu

Emery Bresnick

Position title: Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology; Lowell and Gwendolyn Smythe Endowed Professor; Director, UW-Madison Blood Cancer Research Program

Email: ehbresni@wisc.edu

Corinna Burger

Position title: Associate Professor of Neurology

Email: burger@neurology.wisc.edu

Hao Chang

Position title: Associate Professor of Dermatology

Email: hchang@dermatology.wisc.edu

Vincent Cryns

Position title: Professor of Medicine

Email: vlcryns@medicine.wisc.edu

Russell Groves

Position title: Professor of Entomology

Email: groves@entomology.wisc.edu

Nancy Keller

Position title: Professor of Medical Microbiology & Immunology and Plant Pathology

Email: npkeller@wisc.edu

Paul Koch

Position title: Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology

Email: plkoch@wisc.edu

Dudley Lamming

Position title: Associate Professor, Medicine

Email: dlamming@medicine.wisc.edu

Robert (Rob) Lipinski

Position title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Faculty Development, Department of Comparative Biosciences

Email: rjlipinski@wisc.edu

Katherine (Trina) McMahon

Position title: Professor of Bacteriology; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: trina.mcmahon@wisc.edu

Joshua Mezrich

Position title: Associate Professor of Surgery

Email: mezrich@surgery.wisc.edu

William (Will) Ricke

Position title: Professor of Urology

Email: rickew@urology.wisc.edu

Sean Ronnekleiv-Kelly

Position title: Assistant Professor of Surgery

Email: ronnekleivke@wisc.edu

Dhanansayan (Dhanu) Shanmuganayagam

Position title: Assistant Professor of Animal Science

Email: dshanmug@wisc.edu

Nader Sheibani

Position title: Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Email: nsheibanikar@wisc.edu

Chad Vezina

Position title: Associate Professor of Comparative Biosciences

Email: cmvezina@wisc.edu

Jyoti Watters

Position title: Professor of Comparative Biosciences

Email: jjwatters@wisc.edu

Jae-Hyuk Yu

Position title: Professor, bacteriology, genetics, Food Research Institute

Email: jyu1@wisc.edu