Assistant Professor in Plant Pathology
283 Russell Labs
Research Interests:Fate and activity of pesticides used in the urban landscape and mitigation of non-target impacts of pesticides on microbial communities
The overall goal of the UW Turfgrass Pathology Program is to maintain or advance current levels of disease suppression and turfgrass quality while simultaneously reducing the amount of inputs required for high-quality turf and the non-target effects of those inputs that are used. This goal will not be achieved through one dramatic breakthrough, but through many projects in both basic and applied areas of plant pathology and environmental toxicology that include basic pathogen biology, epidemiology, host-pathogen interactions, cultural practices, and pesticide activity. Cumulative results from projects across the aforementioned spectrum will require collaboration amongst a wide array of researchers, and will eventually lead to high quality turfgrass that require reduced inputs from turf managers. Lab
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2013. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass, 2012. Plant Disease Management Reports 7 (T003).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2013. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of leaf spot on golf course fairways, 2012. Plant Disease Management Reports 7 (T002).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2013. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass at putting green height, 2012. Plant Disease Management Reports 7 (T001).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of snow mold on creeping bentgrass, 2010-2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T010).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T005).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of anthracnose at fairway height, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T006).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of brown patch at fairway height, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T007).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at fairway height, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T008).
- Koch, P. L., Kerns, J. P. 2012. Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at putting green height, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6 (T009).
- Koch, P.L., Stier, J. C., Senseman, S. A., Sobek, S., Kerns, J.P. 2013. Modification of commercially-available ELISA assays to determine chlorothalonil and iprodione concentrations on golf course turfgrass. Crop Protection 54(12): 35-42.
- Koch, P.L., Kerns, J.P. 2012. Impact of novel fungicide timings on the development of snow mold and dollar spot on golf course turfgrass. International Turfgrass Research Society Journal 12: 97-101.
- Koch, P.L., Kerns, J.P. 2012. Relative resistance of creeping bentgrass cultivars to Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and Typhula incarnata. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi: 10.1094/ATS-2012-1022-01-RS.