PhD Candidate – Started 2014
Advisor/Lab: Co-PI’s: Will Ricke & Lingjun Li
Research Interests:We are interested in the impact of environmental endocrine disruptors like phthalates on prostate diseases, both benign and neoplastic.
B.S. Water Resources, Chemistry minor; University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (2014)
We are interested in the impact of environmental endocrine disruptors like phthalates on prostate diseases, both benign and neoplastic. We are looking for biomarkers of disease and disruption via mass spectrometric techniques in a number of different sample matrices: human cell culture, mouse models, human patient samples (urine, biopsy cores, tissue microarrays, etc.), and possibly aquatic invertebrates. These projects rely on global shotgun proteomics and targeted and global metabolomics strategies.