Kyle Wegner Presents at UW Day at the Capitol

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, Kyle Wegner (Vezina Lab) and nearly twenty-five other researchers from the UW-Campus attended the Wisconsin Alumni Association’s “UW Day at the Capitol.” This was the first time that graduate students, selected through an application process, were invited to attend and were afforded the opportunity to meet with alumni and legislatures to talk about their research and the science that is happening. Kyle’s poster emphasized three main points – the expansion of the School of Veterinary Medicine, his affiliation with the O’Brien Center, and his toxicology research. His research examines the paradigm that early life exposures have long-lasting effects on urinary function. With the poster, he hoped to educate about BPH and overall prostate cancer. Nearly 100% of men will suffer from the disease in their lifetimes, but many know neither the symptoms nor that a cure is being investigated. This work is currently being supported by Kyle’s F31 ES028594. Entering the Tox Program in 2014, Kyle is an alum from UW-Stevens Point who double majored in Biology & Chemistry. During his time there, he worked in a lower vertebrate lab as the manager, caring for fish that were eventually used for teaching purposes. He ultimately selected to do his studies here at Madison because of the science, the merging that the program does between biology and chemistry, and the welcoming nature of the faculty. When he arrived, he immersed himself in all the opportunities he could, including Entrepreneurial Boot-Camp on-campus, the Dose-Response Boot-Camp held in Cincinnati, and other on-campus offerings. Much decorated, Kyle has was the 2018 MRC-SOT Young Investigator of the Year, winner of the Zaman-Saroya Graduate Award (done jointly with the School of Pharmacy), the Andreasen Travel Award (done jointly with Oregon State University),Vice President of the Student Liaison Committee, and guest presenter at the Jackson Laboratories Cancer Modeling Workshop. Looking to graduate in the near-term, Kyle is currently networking and applying for industry positions. He looks to conduct risk assessment in consumer products, so if you (or someone you know) is hiring, look him up.